Complete solutions for premium pet foods

Premium pet food needs to be healthy, flavorsome and attractive to animals and their owners. Our solutions, covering everything from raw ingredient intake to packaging, are efficient, economical, and gentle, delivering the consistent quality you need.


Complete solutions for premium pet foods

Premium pet food needs to be healthy, flavorsome and attractive to animals and their owners. Our solutions, covering everything from raw ingredient intake to packaging, are efficient, economical, and gentle, delivering the consistent quality you need.

In today’s pet food manufacturing climate, producing pet food profitably takes precision and plenty of process know-how. Between highly efficient production and preventing expensive recalls, you need technology solutions that can help bolster your bottom line. Our new single screw extruder and matched conveyor dryer deliver results you can count on to realize better business outcomes.

Consistent precision, greater flexibility, faster changeovers, better use of raw materials, higher hygienic standards, and increased energy efficiency across the board are just some of the features of our end-to-end pet food solution.

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Applications and commodities


Premium dog food plant solutions

We provide complete solutions to produce dog food meeting all the relevant trends in the industry, such as fresh meat inclusion, grain-free formulations and alternative protein sources. With the matched set of our extruder and dryer you can realize benefits in flexibility, raw material usage, and consistency. All while attaining a higher level of product quality.

Premium cat food plant solutions

We provide complete, customized solutions serving all the relevant trends in the industry, such as fresh meat inclusion, grain-free formulations and alternative protein sources. We can also provide solutions for including wet texturized protein in your canned products.

Complete solutions for ornamental fish feed

Ornamental fish require a wide range of pellets, from floating pond feed to dense cat fish chips, which sink very fast. Our twin screw extruder technology delivers the flexibility you need, minimizing cross-contamination and delivering high productivity.

The Bühler process

Efficient in every step of production

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SmartPet Conveyor Dryer

The Bühler SmartPet conveyor dryer is the perfect drying solution for pet food applications. Hygienic design and efficient operation provide excellent value to any pet food manufacturing operation.

Let us inspire you

Meet GOLDEN PET FOOD SL, a family-owned pet food company in Spain, dedicated to providing high-quality and sustainable pet food for dogs and cats across Europe, North Africa, and Israel. With a focus on innovation and nutrition, GOLDEN PET FOOD SL offers a range of healthy recipes formulated by veterinary experts to cater to different dietary needs and preferences.

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