
Driving the future


Driving the future

If the world is serious about reducing emissions, people will need to change how they commute. As one billion people travel in vehicles that use Bühler technology every day, we are uniquely placed to make a vital contribution.

The planet’s ever-expanding population does not just mean more demand for food – it means rapidly increasing demand for transportation, cars and fuel. Road traffic is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, and a key way of tackling this is through e-mobility. Once again Bühler is a key supplier to this technology.

Changing the way we travel

According to the World Health Organization, 4.2 million people die every year worldwide as a result air pollution, with motor vehicles being a key contributor. It is clear that we need new and sustainable ways of travel, and Bühler’s Advanced Materials business is helping to develop them.

Providing the power

The world is increasingly looking to e-mobility as an answer to the problem of harmful transport emissions. But while more and more electric vehicles are now being produced, they need powerful batteries to become a genuinely sustainable transport solution.

Tightening legislation

Governments are introducing tougher legislation to improve air quality. China plans to ban the production of diesel and petrol vehicles, while its electric car production is increasing by more than 50 % a year. Our partnership with Chinese battery manufacturer Lishen will supply this expanding market.

This solution from Bühler will completely change the battery industry. It is a historic moment, a revolution.

Yi Liu,
Manager of the Engineering Department at Lishen

Enhanced battery performance

Bühler developed a revolutionary process for the production of electrode battery slurry which saves 60 percent in investment and operational costs and enhances battery performance.


Optical coating impact on self-driving cars

Bühler is leader in thin-film vacuum coating and a key part of the self-driving car industry. Bühler’s optical coatings for the car sensors will be make self-driving cars possible.


In today’s premium cars, new features are available based on optical technologies with multiple cameras supporting the driver for easy parking or recognizing road signs or keeping the car in lane. In the future, even more optical technologies will be implemented in cars on the way to fully autonomous driving.” 

Steffen Runkel,

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How can we help?

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