
Environmental Impact Services

We simplify your sustainability journey. 



Environmental Impact Services

We simplify your sustainability journey. 


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The Environmental Impact Services enable companies to quantify and understand the environmental footprint of operations and products, certify and report key metrics to stakeholders and build a climate transition plan to reduce environmental footprint. As a technology provider into the food and mobility industries, Bühler offer the unique combination of process knowledge and quantification to build tailored sustainability solutions. 

Key benefits

Cost reduction

Save time and cost understanding your footprint and reduction potential with our combined quantification and processing knowledge.


Work with one partner to quantify and reduce your footprint, benchmark your performance and implement industry best practice.


Increase your supplier sustainability rating with independent third-party certifications and detailed multi-metric analysis.

Key Features





your COe footprint across all scopes in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and gain transparency of environmental impacts in the value chain. the key levers to reduce your company COe emissions, value chain emissions and reporting requirements. your results credibly with independent third-party certifications and communicate results to investors, customers and consumers. your footprint by optimizing existing assets, taking data-based decisions comparing USD/Tonne per COe reduced and build your climate strategy.

All quantifications are certifiable, available offline & online via our digital services, supporting you to embed sustainability into your operations.

Customer Feedback

Hemelter Mühle has been a family-run milling company for over 128 years, and is managed by Jan Cordesmeyer in the fourth generation. Approximately 360’000 metric tons of wheat, rye, spelt are milled across the two sites in Rheine and Spelle. 

We supported Hemelter Mühle on:

  • Quantified product CO2e footprints of flour and bran from the farm, into wheat storage, wheat logistics, milling and flour logistics
  • Provided a comparison of different logistics methods including lorry, rail and ship
  • Quantified site CO2e footprint of the Spelle site in Germany
  • Impact analysis of CO2e neutrality and purchase of renewable electricity


"The Bühler team provided us with extensive insight into the details and particulars of the calculation, so that the subsequent evaluations were always comprehensible and transparent for us as non-experts in this field. This enables us even today to answer our customers' questions about our results with ease."


Jan Cordesmeyer
CEO of Hemelter Mühle

DGS is an innovative developer and international manufacturer of complex, high-quality die-cast components, with production locations, in Switzerland, Czech Republic and China. 

We supported DGS on:

  • Quantifying site CO2e footprint of the St Gallen site in Switzerland including analysis of manufacturing emissions, breakdown of energy mix and waste emissions
  • Quantifying product CO2e footprints of aluminium and magnesium parts from the production of metals, upstream logistics, casting and downstream logistics 
  • Analysing of parts and impact of using recycled metal
  • Integration of hydropower and solar panels into the site quantification 

"At DGS we are happy to have such great support on CO2e quantification for the whole diecasting process from our main die-casting-cell supplier Bühler. The profound understanding of the whole process from Bühler helped a lot for an efficient and successful project."


Andreas Müller

Since the founding of Kägi factory in 1934, Kägi’s passion has been to produce the finest chocolate wafers with best Swiss quality. “At Kägi, we blend tradition, savoir-faire and innovation for authentically Swiss chocolaty pleasure”.

Bühler Environmental Impact Services supported Kägi:

  • To quantify Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions, set targets and build a reduction strategy enabling Kägi to sign up to the Science-based targets initiative.
  • Bühler experts conducted a Performance Assessment Workshop (PAW) at Kägi to identify optimization possibilities
  • With Bühler Insights & the Environmental Impact Calculator, Kägi have an overview of key processes and KPIs, and expect to realize significant cost ​​​​savings, OEE increase and reduced environmental footprint.

"The collected data not only helps us with traceability and transparency, we are also working with Bühler on a CO2e quantification of the entire factory, which gives us an overview of where there is potential for optimization in order to make our production more sustainable"


Pascal Grin
COO of Kägi

Founded in 2021, NoPalm Ingredients is on a mission to help companies and product manufacturers around the globe work with a sustainable, circular alternative to palm oil. They invest in knowledge and quality and constantly test and improve their product to deliver the highest standard possible. Additionally, their product is non-GMO and vegan-friendly.

We supported NoPalm Ingredients by:

  • Quantifying product CO2e footprints of NoPalm raw material productions, logistics, manufacturing, and oil extraction
  • Providing a breakdown of the oil extraction process and comparison between extraction technologies
  • Quantifying land use of NoPalm oil from raw material to manufacturing
  • Comparison of CO2e footprint and land use to conventional palm oil

"Performing the CO2e and land use  assessment of NoPalm oil with the Bühler team provided us with a fact-based tool to demonstrate our impact and identify the main leverages to reduce it, both within our operations and in our value chain. The results will be key to communicate our efforts and show the impact of our products."


Jeroen Hugenholtz
Co-Founder and CTO of NoPalm Ingredients

The Good Food Institute is a non-profit think tank working to make the global food system better for the planet, people, and animals. Alongside scientists, businesses, and policymakers, GFI’s teams focus on making plant-based and cultivated meat delicious, affordable, and accessible. 

We supported the Good Food Institute by:

  • Providing high quality life-cycle assessment data across the entire value chain for plant-based meats (focusing on Soy & Pea), enabling GFI to assess the environmental footprint of plant-based products and identify critical processing steps in the value chain
  • The information included data for the raw materials, grain storage & logistics, dry & wet processing into concentrates and isolates, and texturing into plant-based meat products.
  • The data was provided with cross discipline knowledge with insights from experts in food safety, processing and sustainability. 

"Thanks to the extensive data provided by the Buhler team, we've achieved an unprecedented level of detail in evaluating the environmental footprint of plant-based meat products. Furthermore, their years of processing experience have granted us invaluable insights into practical opportunities for enhancing the resource efficiency of plant-based meat products. We appreciate their partnership and look forward to collaboration in the future." 

Amanda Bess
Science & Technology Analysis Good Food Institute
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